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Python Data Engineer

We're looking for a Python developer to join our team in Prague and help us with building data processing pipelines and productionizing machine learning projects.
*Our culture based on good relationships is the top priority for us. Therefore, remote/mostly remote work is not possible.
*Naší nejvyšší prioritou je kultura založená na dobrých vztazích. Proto u nás není možná práce převážně na dálku.



About the position

O pozici

We're looking for a Python developer to join our team in Prague and help us with building data processing pipelines and productionizing machine learning projects.

About the department

Your role

Testimonial Image

In the ML Engineering team, we design and implement scalable data pipelines and web services on top of ML solutions. We write a production code that can live for years so we focus on a well-designed architecture and a high quality code base.

Collaboration is key; we closely work with other teams, embracing cross-pollination of knowledge. It's the perfect combo of high software engineering standards and teamwork that I enjoy the most.


Machine Learning Engineering

Your responsibilities:

Tvé úkoly:

  • Together with machine-learning engineers and data scientists, you will be part of a team that is responsible for the development, deployment and maintenance of various data solutions. These solutions will typically utilize ML models developed by our fellow data scientists.
  • Taking ML based prototypes to production and scaling them by many orders of magnitude
  • Technical co-operation with engineers on the customer side



You should have

Měl/a bys mít:

  • 2+ years of professional experience in software or data engineering
  • Experience with cloud computing (Azure, GCP, AWS or other), Kubernetes and Docker
  • Solid theoretical background in computer science (data structures, algorithms, design patterns, OOP)
  • Proficiency in Python (we are working with Python 3.10+)
  • You should be able to work in a Unix environment

Nice to have/ nice to know

  • Experience with GitHub Actions
  • Experience with Terraform
  • Experience with the Python data science stack (Polars, Numpy, Scipy) and data engineering
  • Experience with Databricks
  • Knowledge of the domain of machine learning and AI

Benefits we offer

What it's like to work at Datamole


Friendly culture

We have good relationships based on trust, respect and transparent communication.

6 weeks of vacation

Plus one more week for fresh fathers and 5 sick days to make sure you're well-rested.

Flexible working hours

Both early birds and night owls are welcomed. Our core working hours are 10 AM - 3 PM.

Team-building events 4x a year

We organize offsite summer & winter weekend events + multiple one-day sessions during the week.

Free Czech & English lessons

We speak English (our company language), Czech (most people), and sometimes Czenglish ;)

Projects with a real-world impact

Our projects improve animal health, reduce machine downtime or bring other tangible benefits.
Icon Building

Comfy offices

Convenient location, carefully curated snacks & coffee, relax rooms, or a room to sleep in.

Weekly knowledge sharing

Every Friday, we share our know-how mostly on technical topics via a 1-hour presentation.

Non-work fun

We like to grab a drink, play board games, bike to Únětice or share travel experiences.

Co nabízíme

Jaké je to pracovat v Datamole?


Přátelská kultura

Máme dobré vztahy založené na důvěře, respektu a transparentní komunikaci.

6 Týdnů dovolené

Plus ještě jeden týden pro čerstvé tatínky a 5 sick days, abyste měli jistotu, že si odpočinete.

Flexibilní pracovní doba

Vítáni jsou ranní ptáčata i noční sovy. Naše základní pracovní doba je od 10:00 do 15:00.

Team-building minimálně 4x ročně

Pořádáme letní a zimní víkendové akce mimo pracoviště + několik jednodenních setkání v průbehu týdne.

Zdarma české nebo anglické lekce

Mluvíme anglicky (náš firemní jazyk), česky (většina lidí) a někdy i czenglish ;)

Projekty s reálným dopadem

Naše projekty zlepšují zdraví zvířat, snižují prostoje strojů nebo přinášejí další hmatatelné výhody.
Icon Building

Skvělá kancelář

Výhodná poloha, pečlivě vybrané občerstvení a káva, relaxační místnosti nebo pokoj na spaní.

Týdenní knowledge sharing

Každý pátek sdílíme své know-how převážně na technická témata prostřednictvím hodinové prezentace.

Neformální zábava

Rádi si dáme drink, hrajeme deskové hry, jezdíme na kole do Únětic nebo sdílíme zážitky z cest.

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